Sunshine Art -- Pet Portraits

So far I have done only two pet portraits, but I would love to try more.

"Fritz" was my first and a gift for a friend. I wanted the picture to capture a bit of his energy so I added his favorite toy and treat and a special rug of his mom's. I wasn't sure as I put the picture together, but, if judged by my friend's response, I was successful. She has it hanging to the side of her bed and likes to see it first thing in the morning.

My second portrait, "Sherman," was a commission to be given as a birthday present. Since I didn't know the dog or his mom, I asked her to email her favorite pictures of him and his toys, and for descriptions of what he was like, what he liked to do, where he liked to be, and what she most liked about him. With that info, I put the picture together and hoped I did him justice. Sherman's mom: "... the best gift I ever received! I started crying. ... You captured everything, his personality, his face, toys, the jeep, his goggles! I could never thank you enough! This painting is truly one of my most cherished possessions."

Tap photo for full image, title, size and availability. 

All images available as 8.5x11 matted prints with backing & glycine envelope -- 25$ inc. shipping & handling. 

To order prints, see directions on my contact page.

Created by beckp